The House of the Sun and Astronomy INTERPRETATION CENTRE One of a kind in France! This scientific centre is dedicated to observing the Sun and understanding its relationship with our environment. Live obse... Saint-Véran
5 € Full-fare L'Arche des cimes INTERPRETATION CENTRE Center of interpretation and knowledge of nature At the gates of the Ristolas-Mont Viso Nature Reserve, the Arche des Cimes located in the village of... Abriès-Ristolas
2 € Full-fare The Geological Area INTERPRETATION CENTRE The permanent exhibition ""Les Frissons de la Terre"" at Chateau-Ville-Vieille invites you to discover the fantastic story of the birth of the Alps. Château-Ville-Vieille
5 € Full-fare Le Soum - Arts and Traditions Museum INTERPRETATION CENTRE Since 1641, the walls of this building have sustained the lives of the men and women of this high-altitude village, where life has long been so harsh. Saint-Véran
Exposition sur l'Ancienne Mine de Cuivre MUSEUM This exhibition tells the story of the Copper Mine The St Véran or Clausis copper mine is located upstream from St Véran, just below the chapel. Saint-Véran
L'Armoire aux 8 Serrures MUSEUM What treasures did this strange cupboard with 8 locks hide, so that it needed 7 representatives of the Queyras communes and the Grand Consul to open i... Château-Ville-Vieille
Le musée de l'Abeille MUSEUM The Musée de l'Abeille du Queyras is a friendly place where beekeeping is discussed over 200 m². A self-guided tour of the museum is available, as is... Molines-en-Queyras
Musée Les Jouets du Queyras MUSEUM Discover the history and manufacture of the famous "Jouets du Queyras" in our small museum, open to all, young and old. Arvieux
2 € Full-fare Le Moulin d'Arvieux INTERPRETATION CENTRE The hamlet of "Les Moulins" is aptly named, since three mills once animated the site. The one restored by the Park makes the link between the power of... Arvieux
La Mine d'Argent du Fournel MUSEUM The Silver Mine, a historic heritage gem unique in the Hautes Alpes. Discover the work of the miners through the galleries in this universe in the h... L' Argentière-la-Bessée
Musée de la Barma MUSEUM The Musée de la Barma in Ristolas is a permanent exhibition of paintings, unusual art objects and books, all drawn from the stories and legends of the... Abriès-Ristolas