Ristolas, village labellisé "Patrimoine du XXème siècle"
Historic site and monument, Historic patrimony, Farm, House, Town / Village, Outstanding contemporary architecture
in Abriès-Ristolas
Ristolas is labeled "20th century heritage" because of its farms and houses called "reconstruction".
Before the destruction of June 1940, the mountain economy, particularly that of the Southern Alps, was largely based on age-old ago-pastoral activities.
Essentially, the house was designed as a working tool to accommodate people, animals and crops under the same roof during the long winter months (the ""block house"").
Reconstruction in the Alps was a matter of more than just real estate; it often represented a real cultural and technical break with the way local farmers lived and...Before the destruction of June 1940, the mountain economy, particularly that of the Southern Alps, was largely based on age-old ago-pastoral activities.
Essentially, the house was designed as a working tool to accommodate people, animals and crops under the same roof during the long winter months (the ""block house"").
Reconstruction in the Alps was a matter of more than just real estate; it often represented a real cultural and technical break with the way local farmers lived and worked.
Modernisation was undoubtedly the main watchword for reconstruction in France and the Alps. The opportunity offered by the ""clean slate"" created by the destruction of old buildings meant it was possible to apply the new urban planning and architectural principles developed between the wars. These principles, which arose from the modernist movement, focus on issues of comfort, particularly in farmhouses (bathroom facilities, sunlight, ventilation), the functionality of buildings and their surroundings (zoning, regulated siting) and premises (separation of functions).
The twentieth century heritage label was launched by the Ministry of Culture and Communication in 1999. Its purpose is to identify public buildings and urban complexes and bring them to the attention of the public, whether or not they are protected as Historic Monuments or protected areas, and where their architectural and urban interest justifies them being bequeathed to future generations as fully-fledged elements of twentieth century heritage: These are the major buildings and urban complexes of the 20th century built between 1900 and 1975, regardless of the programme (engineering structures, housing, public buildings, factories, tourist facilities, etc.). This heritage is highly visible. So the Ministry of Culture and Communication has created this label to highlight and safeguard the buildings and urban complexes that, among the achievements of this century, bear material witness to the architectural, technical, economic, social, political and cultural evolution of our society.
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