L'église Saint-Antoine I find our parish church very similar to other churches in the area. So I ask myself why .... Eygliers
13 € Full-fare Fort-Queyras Star of stone on its glacial lock, dominating the gorges of Guil, Fort-Queyras throws by its characteristic silhouette of the works of Vauban! Impossi... Château-Ville-Vieille
La ferme de Sagnes A fine example of a multi-storey farmhouse, adapted to geographical conditions: a dwelling facing the sun and arches on the facade to shelter from the... Réotier
Le hameau des Sagnes Although some people talk of processions to the church in the hamlet of Les Sagnes, the site has in fact always been occupied. Note the parish church... Réotier
L'église Vieille Churches, chapels, crosses, oratories, calvaries... testify of the importance that religion had. Saint-Crépin
Le four banal du hameau La Font Today we are still admiring this stone building covered with larch shingles but remember that in the past we did not eat hot baguette every morning! Eygliers
Ristolas, village labellisé "Patrimoine du XXème siècle" Ristolas is labeled "20th century heritage" because of its farms and houses called "reconstruction". Abriès-Ristolas
L'église Notre-Dame d'Aquilon Its soaring bell tower is visible from all over Guillestre! Notre-Dame d'Aquilon stands proudly before you, with the pointed arches of its elegant gal... Guillestre
L'église Saint-Romain de Molines-en-Queyras Located halfway between the villages of La Rua and El Serre, with an independent bell tower, the church of San Román is an eye-catcher. Molines-en-Queyras
La tour du Procureur The Tour du Procureur de Brunissard is one of the two remaining campaniles in Arvieux, and is a symbol of the solidarity between the villages. Arvieux
Fontaines The villages of the Guillestrois boast numerous fountains. Once essential to everyday life, they now adorn our villages and are part of our vernacular... Saint-Clément-sur-Durance