La chapelle Saint-Roch de Réotier The St Roch chapel - built in the 18th century and since renovated - stands in the hamlet of Truchet, offering an exceptional panoramic view of the Du... Réotier
Temple d'Arvieux The first temple in Arvieux was built in the 16th century and then destroyed when the Edict of Nantes was revoked. It was subsequently rebuilt in the... Arvieux
L'église Notre-Dame d'Aquilon Its soaring bell tower is visible from all over Guillestre! Notre-Dame d'Aquilon stands proudly before you, with the pointed arches of its elegant gal... Guillestre
Ristolas, village labellisé "Patrimoine du XXème siècle" Ristolas is labeled "20th century heritage" because of its farms and houses called "reconstruction". Abriès-Ristolas
Le village de Réotier Réotier lies on a sunny mountain with winding roads, where farmers have shaped the landscape with successive terraced cultivation! Altitudes range fro... Réotier
L'église de Saint-Véran The church is named after Saint-Véran, the patron saint of Cavaillon, who drove a dragon away from the Vaucluse. He is said to have fallen due to fati... Saint-Véran
Le bourg de Saint-Crépin Saint-Crépin is a magnificent snail-shaped village built around its church. With a population of 622, Saint-Crépin has plenty of charm. Saint-Crépin
L'église Notre-Dame The church of Notre-Dame is one of our local pride and joys. Its spire can be spotted in the distance from the road or in the mountains. The village o... Saint-Crépin
Chapelle Saint-Guillaume Have you heard the story of our Saint Guillaume and his famous hand? Eygliers
La place du Sureau à Saint-Crépin The Place du Sureau takes its name from the tree that stands on it. It used to be the Market Square. As for the other place, it has a funny name all t... Saint-Crépin
Bourg Castral Saint-Crépin was a fortified village. Discover the unique features of this snail-shaped village built around its church... Saint-Crépin
La porte des Hierres Saint-Crépin was a fortified village. This old Porte des Hierres bears witness to this. Saint-Crépin