Hameau du Fournet On the way back down to the valley, remember to stop at the hamlet of Fournet. Here you can see everything that made up a typical hamlet: the communal... Réotier
La fontaine Fournet Fountains and bread ovens are very present in the villages of the Guillestrois and allow you to better understand the organization of life in the past... Réotier
La porte des Hierres Saint-Crépin was a fortified village. This old Porte des Hierres bears witness to this. Saint-Crépin
La chapelle Sainte-Anne If the weather gods don’t shine on you when on holiday... Visit the Sainte-Anne chapel and join the Ceillaquins in imploring Ste-Anne to ward off rain... Ceillac
L'église Notre-Dame The church of Notre-Dame is one of our local pride and joys. Its spire can be spotted in the distance from the road or in the mountains. The village o... Saint-Crépin
Ristolas, village labellisé "Patrimoine du XXème siècle" Ristolas is labeled "20th century heritage" because of its farms and houses called "reconstruction". Abriès-Ristolas
Pierres Sculptées, Rue de l'Archeveché Numerous carved stones adorn this street and still adorn its façades. A house on the right is adorned with a Maltese Cross on the lintel above the fro... Saint-Crépin
La Chapelle Saint-Simon A small chapel located in the wood of Saint Simon on the edge of the GRP "Tour de la Dent du Ratier", which is the object of a pilgrimage every year o... Molines-en-Queyras
Le hameau des Sagnes Although some people talk of processions to the church in the hamlet of Les Sagnes, the site has in fact always been occupied. Note the parish church... Réotier
L'église Saint-Antoine I find our parish church very similar to other churches in the area. So I ask myself why .... Eygliers
La vieille pompe à incendie Fire was for many years the greatest fear of the inhabitants of Saint-Véran, because the houses may have been made of stone on the lower level, but we... Saint-Véran