©Leo GAYOLAShops and servicesNeed a hairdresser, plumber, grocer or buy a book? Our shops and services are open all year round. ©Leo GAYOLAAll shopsOur merchants open wide the doors of their stores for your next shopping or your everyday purchases. ©PemaLocal producersAll your senses are in for a treat thanks to the expertise of our local producers! Cheeses, jams, liqueurs, aromatic plants, honey… Their talent transforms raw materials...©Lou ChancroyRestaurantsA little hunger or a big family meal? There’s always a restaurant to satisfy your craving: gastronomic or traditional, in a refuge or in the valley… LodgingsDon’t know where to sleep in Queyras and Guillestrois? Residences, hotels large and small, chalets, rentals, refuges… There’s bound to be a accommodation to...©Pierre PauquayOur expertsThey know the area like the back of their hand. If you need to be accompanied, guided, advised in your practice, there’s bound to be a professional who’s right for...Dji 0090.00 04 35 16.still016©Dji 0090.00 04 35 16.still016« Neige Express » ShuttlesA magic carpet to your dream destination! Want to go skiing without taking your car? Sit back and relax in your reclining seat, and after a little nap, you’ll be at the...