Raid Vauban Kids
Sports and leisure, Competitive sport, Cycle sports, Mountain biking
in Mont-Dauphin
The children also have their Raid Vauban, the Raid Kids!
You too want to ride down the mountain bike trails of the Guillestrois and race with your friends on your bike...? Then join us in Mont-Dauphin for the Raid Kids!
In your little tribe, everyone can participate! Even your little sister in short pants with her draisienne!
The categories concerned: draisienne (3-4 years old), 12/14-16 inches pedals (3-4 years old), pre-licensed (5-6 years old), poussin (7-8 years old), pupille (9-10 years old), benjamin (11-12 years old) and minime (13-14...You too want to ride down the mountain bike trails of the Guillestrois and race with your friends on your bike...? Then join us in Mont-Dauphin for the Raid Kids!
In your little tribe, everyone can participate! Even your little sister in short pants with her draisienne!
The categories concerned: draisienne (3-4 years old), 12/14-16 inches pedals (3-4 years old), pre-licensed (5-6 years old), poussin (7-8 years old), pupille (9-10 years old), benjamin (11-12 years old) and minime (13-14 years old).
Several loops will be done depending on the age category. Meeting point at the lunette d'Arçon, outside the fortifications of Mont-Dauphin, which will be the starting site (delivery of race numbers, arrival and departure). Access from the large parking lot at the gate of Eygliers.
The program :
Delivery of race numbers from 11:00 am.
-1:30 pm Minimes category
-2:15 pm Benjamin category
-2:45 pm Pupil category
-15:15 Chick category
-15:30 Pre-licensed category
15h45 category Draisienne
Awards ceremony from 16:00. Rewards for the first 3 and first 3 of each category.
Health pass required for children over 12 years old.
Spoken languages
Payment methods
- Registration on https://www.raidvauban-kids.fr/
- On June 15, 2025 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM