I see her more like an old lady, mysterious and benevolent. You know, a lady who knows all the local secrets, who makes us feel good with strange elixirs. This great lady is both gentle and strong. Made of water and stone, sometimes ice. She imposes respect. It’s as if she’s been here forever. Proudly enthroned at the entrance to the Réotier village. She’s a watchwoman at the confluence of the Guil and Durance rivers, and a guardian at the edge of the Ecrins National Park. Personally, I think she watches over a kingdom.

Step by step, she reveals herself to you, majestic. To enhance her diaphanous complexion, she adorns herself in ivory and ochre. Bluish water trickles over the curves of her mineral skin. Does this invigorating encounter on a geological fault make you want to get to know her better? A few steps later, you’re standing on her shoulders. From here, you overlook the valley, the incredible panorama. Your gaze wanders as the Durance flows by. Not far away, you can see the Place Forte de Mont-Dauphin. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the view! Take off your shoes and enjoy the moment, your feet in the warm water. Ain’t life grand?